The Academia Nut

Tales of a thirty-something, tenure-line, struggling, teacher, scholar, writer, mother, partner... (who used to be a twenty-something graduate student, teacher, writer...)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Third-year review

I'm in the process of third year review which is intended to assess my progress towards tenure. At least, that's what two people told me. Three others prepared me for a possible dean's decision to discontinue renewal of my contract. Five people believed they helped me with my portfolio, but only two really did. Four people voted against me, and the other thirteen, well, they didn't vote against me. The thing is due on Monday and just tonight, I slipped in another publication to list as "under review."

Despite a month of disappointments, which really shouldn't have been disappointments because I knew they were coming, I'm most disappointed to learn that the book title Writing for Your Life is already taken. I guess I knew that too.


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